ux | ui

Learning beyond the classroom with classmatch!

The guiding premise of this app is the need to overcome the disconnection between theory taught in a classroom and the practice found in the real world.

Users will engage in the expereince by means of video, audio and text as tools to extend meaningful, active learning beyond the classroom walls.

App implemented during four years at the School of Informatics from SUNY @ Buffalo.

  • Role: UX | UI
  • Discipline: UX | UI

Sequence with prompt from teacher and menu with options to provide an answer in context. This case shows video as the selected recollection of evidence.

Video can be edited for accuracy and aggregated to the answer.

As a way to expand the evidence found in video, the user is able to add a text with fields for a title, a description and tags. She will also be able to add a location. All these elements, video and text, will work in conjunction to generate matches within the network of users.

A calendar displays matches. The user gets to know peers’ answers. In there, they can compare answers and foundational concepts that are connecting them.

Another entry point to inspect matches are the concepts addressed by the teacher through the course of the semester.

By navigating the calendar, users are able to display topics and contributions from peers to that specific subject. The interface gives the ability to interact with contributions from other peers.