Designing immersive social experiences

At Riolab we specialized on crafting moments of deep connection and empathy with audiences. Through content strategy, scriptwriting, visual design, engineering, UX/UI and video production, we crafted immersive experiences that integrated a multiplicity of perspectives into the user's journey.

  • Role: Senior Designer
  • Discipline: UX | UI
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Social immersion

Emphasis is not only put on the UX/UI and interaction, but also the shared momentum of many users interacting at the same time with the same device, opening the door for unexpected encounters and a shared experience in the context of multiple stimulus that configured the visitors´ journeys.

The team at Riolab embarked on the creation of multiple artifacts like multitouch experiences, video testimonials, 3D animations and graphics.

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Comms platform

A major project for the Chilean Copper Corporation involved the creation of multiple artifacts unified under a single concept. As a world leader in copper extraction and trade, the Chilean territory is re discovered by sharing with users the different narratives brought to life thanks to Codelco and its involvement with local communities and the environment.

The UI metaphor is a territory that morphs into a sensitive surface that reveals narratives of sustainability, energy and community.

Key spots throughout the map are containers of data and connected information

Video testimonials that focus on sustainability provide a closer look to the project.

Content and Design

I collaborated with subject matter experts in translating specific requirements into videos and animations that explained different aspects of the mining project. I worked together with designers in providing design direction and stylistic definition for infographics and videos. For example, this sequence where the truck is scanned and de-constructed to highlight equipment that mitigates the impact on the environment when transporting minerals.

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